今天,次元君就根据目前考试的情况,整理了一份更新之后雅思1-4月的口语题库,考鸭们赶快收藏保存哦 !文末添加次元君即可领取完整版PDF资料~
Part1: 面试(Interview)
Crowded place
Is the city where you live crowded?
Is there a crowded place near where you live?
Do you like crowded places?
Do most people like crowded places?
When was the last time you were in a crowded place?
Yes,I have experienced forgetting something important before.
I would say that I am quite good at memorizing things.
Personally,I prefer playing video games alone.
Part 2&3
Part2:独立长篇演讲(Individual Long Turn)考生会得到一个话题卡,上面有一个问题和一些提示。考生需要在给定的准备时间内准备一个一到两分钟的演讲,并在规定时间内进行演讲。演讲结束后,考官可能会提出一些问题,考生需要回答。
Part3:双方讨论(Two-way Discussion)考生与考官进行更深入的讨论,围绕着与Part 2的话题相关的问题展开讨论。考生需要与考官进行交流,回答问题,并就话题展开自己的观点和意见。
Part 3内容举例
Why should students wear uniforms?
Students wearing uniforms can bring several benefits. Firstly, uniforms promote equality by removing distinctions based on socio-economic status. This fosters a sense of inclusivity and unity among students. Secondly, uniforms eliminate fashion-related distractions, helping students focus on their studies. Moreover, uniforms instill discipline and professionalism, teaching students theimportance of rules and regulations. However, uniforms may restrictself-expression, which can be mitigated by allowing some flexibility within the dress code.
人物类:make people feel welcomed, visitors, team member, a talkative person
People in the countryside are more likely to invite others to their homes.
There are various facilities in tourist attractions in my country.
There is a person in my life who is great at making people feel welcome in his/her home.
地点类:a relaxing place
One place I would like to go to relax is Bali, Indonesia.
People in my country do not have enough places to relax.
Physical activity can have both physical and mental health benefits.
整个雅思口语考试的时间约为11-14分钟,其中Part1约为4-5分钟,Part 2约为3-4分钟,Part 3约为4-5分钟。每个部分都有不同的任务和要求,考生需要根据考试要求积极准备和练习。